Treatment Day

On the day of your treatment, you may follow your regular medication and eating schedule as you normally would before your appointment. For maximum convenience, fill out all necessary paperwork before even coming to our office. We offer printable versions so that you may provide us with all necessary information at a time that works best for you. Just bring the forms to your appointment or allow some time to complete the forms at the office.  Please bring along a list of your current medications so that we can have a better idea of your health status.
Treatment Day

At the appointment, we will use appropriate anesthetic for numbing your tooth, depending on your procedure. Your comfort is our top priority. We also offer nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation (laughing gas) for an additional fee, if requested in advance. Most teeth can be treated in a single appointment, however, depending on the tooth, multiple appointments may be necessary to maximize success. Following the root canal treatment, a temporary filling will be placed in the treated tooth until a permanent restoration or crown can be placed by your general dentist.

After your procedure, we will discuss instructions regarding what to expect.  You will be given take home care instructions.  These post-op instructions can be found here.

Patient Information

Why Have Endodontic Treatment

Learn more about the importance of endodontic treatment, its many benefits, and what to expect at appointments in our office.

Payment/Insurance Information

We do not want financing to be a hassle. Please see our various payment methods and  in-network insurance providers.

What Sets Us Apart

Our office has unique policies and procedures which truly set us apart. Communication and education are cornerstones of our practice.

Treatment Day

Plan for your root canal appointment by learning about the procedure itself, as well as the before and after care the day of treatment.

After Treatment

Learn about what to expect immediately after a root canal procedure, including necessary follow-up appointments and more.


We encourage you to use our online form system to save time before you come to our office. Keep in mind that you can call our office at any time for clarification.