After Treatment

After your treatment, the healing process will take time to occur. Our doctor may recommend antibiotics or prescription medication to manage any infection or discomfort, as needed. You will be given all necessary information regarding appropriate dietary and hygiene measures to take following the root canal. Most often, we recommend avoiding excessively crunchy, chewy, and sticky foods. We do recommend continuing regular dental hygiene with a soft toothbrush, floss, and oral rinse. These aftercare routines help protect the natural teeth from infection or inflammation following the procedure.After Treatment

It’s expected not to feel completely back-to-normal when chewing for 7-10 days following the procedure. However, within a couple of weeks, you should expect to have a much easier time with eating or drinking with no unusual temperature sensitivity.

Within three to four weeks of your root canal therapy, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your regular dentist. Your regular dentist will remove the temporary filling and restore the tooth with a more durable filling or crown. We will transfer all necessary information to your dentist to make this follow-up appointment as easy as possible for you.

Patient Information

Why Have Endodontic Treatment

Learn more about the importance of endodontic treatment, its many benefits, and what to expect at appointments in our office.

Payment/Insurance Information

We do not want financing to be a hassle. Please see our various payment methods and  in-network insurance providers.

What Sets Us Apart

Our office has unique policies and procedures which truly set us apart. Communication and education are cornerstones of our practice.

Treatment Day

Plan for your root canal appointment by learning about the procedure itself, as well as the before and after care the day of treatment.

After Treatment

Learn about what to expect immediately after a root canal procedure, including necessary follow-up appointments and more.


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